  • 2nd Edition

  • Winter 2021

  • Digital Divide And Inclusion

Verdun 2


Having a society heavily reliant on technology, such as our social and medical systems, making the reduction of a digital divide is highly important. COVID-19 has accelerated and widened the divide mainly for older adults. We have created a project that aims to provide easily programmed IPads to be used by the elderly community.

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Une collaboration entre :

Ville de Montréal

Bureau d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants de Montréal

Experts municipaux

Laurie Savard


AHSC 415 – Organizational and Community Sustainability (Applied Human Sciences), Concordia University


Gilbert Émond

Équipe étudiante

Cassandra Degni
Sian Alaysia
Amanda Iaboni
Ariane Patenaude
Isabella Santaguida
Brittney Smith-Pierre
Michael Tran